Ginga Wiki
Hiroko (広子)


Mixed breed
First Appearance
GDW:O vol 1, chpt 7
Last Appearance
No information
Family or owners
Father, Mother, Heizō, Taichi, Junpachi, Yoshinao (brothers)
Name Meaning
Broad Child

She was the only fermale of the litter of his family pack.

Ginga Densetsu Weed: Orion

When their small pack was attacked his father ordered Heizō, Taichi to escape and escort she and their mother back to the One-eyed Elder's pack, while he and his sons, Junpachi and Yoshinao, held them off.

While running away from the enemys pack the two come across a raging river. Their mother says they should jump into the water to escape the enemy. Heizo, Tachi and their mother leap in, but Hiroko was too afraid. Orion gets frustrated with her fear, pushing her into the water.

See more pictures in Hiroko (Photo Gallery)
